Wednesday 30 July 2014

Non-hodgkin Lymphoma with metastasis in eye

today a old lady presnted with c/o NHL (post chemotherapy),with metastasis in lt. eye.Earlier her rt eye vision is lost due unkown reason.Now,the problem is that she has little vision in one eye,but tat also ,now,get affected wid mets.
Now,what to do? leave the lady wid vision,widout treating her?Or, shall we start palliative RT in that area,but tat ll cost her remaining vision.
we r in dillema.................................

Thursday 24 July 2014

Herald/Sentinel Bleed

First,time when I saw bleed from tracheostomy site of Head and Neck Cancer patient,I thought that it might b bleeding from tracheostomy tube insertion site.Which may b due to dryness of skin beneath the tube.
Sadly,that pt passed away one night due to heavy bleeding from same site.
But,today when I gone through literature, I found that the initial bleed was HERALD or SENTINEL Bleed,which is initial sign of CAROTID RUPTURE.
This Carotid Rupture gen seen in Head n neck cancer pt of advanced stage.
Now,I got lesson- never underestimate any minor bleed from any site ,esp in cancer pts.
Good Night,Tc

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Cranial sq cell carcinoma

Radiation oncology is full of unpredictable type f cancers.
Today,a case of cranial sq cell carcinoma admitted in ipd.He has h/o tooth extraction followed by facial edema later on leads to loss of vision.Disease later on invades cranial fossa and after cranium surgery followed by histopathology suggested that it was sq cell carcinoma  well differentiated type.
Now,he has brain mets also.He is now on palliative RT 30gy /10fr.And anti seizure medications.
Now,all result in hand of Almighty.
Ameen,god bless him.

Sunday 20 July 2014

RT Begins

radiation oncology---------------the branch of oppurtunities.I m also landed here without any previous knowledge about it.....but slowly "i m lovin it"..........................
ha ha ha...
i ll start some topic of interest in radiation oncology...with detailed points ....